I know, I know. It's not even Thanksgiving and someone's giving away Christmas gifts already. Believe me, I feel for Thanksgiving - with Christmas decor available in stores before Halloween, Turkey Day has no room to be valued as its own special holiday.
Oh well.
I'm too excited to share this gift, and I can't wait for December, so here is a little something for which we can be thankful - see? It's a Thanksgiving Gift.
The New York Public Library has a very, very, very nice digital archive, complete with an amazing collection of vintage posters. The latest collection (shared via Twitter earlier this month) can be found here: http://digitalcollections.nypl.org/collections/turn-of-the-century-posters#/?tab=navigation
Do take a look, and feel free to download! And let's be thankful there are people out there who keep trash until it's treasure.