Wednesday, March 7, 2018

We Have Breakout EDU Kits!

Beakout EDU is a fun trend that has been getting a lot of traction recently.

Based on the breakout room phenomenon where you and a bunch of friends pay to get locked into a room and are given a set amount of time to solve a series of puzzles, the Breakout EDU model has kids collaboratively work in teams to solve a series of teacher-created puzzles. As students engage with the puzzles, they are typically asked to use concepts and/or skills learned in class or figure out ways to acquire new skills/concepts/content necessary for them to successfully unlock their Breakout kits.

This guy explains it a lot better than I can!

The Library has put together two Breakout EDU kits that we want you to borrow!

Kym Roley has promised that she will work with us on building a set of physics puzzles that teams of students in her class will have to solve in order to Breakout as they do physics review later this semester.

There are teachers using the Breakout EDU concept from elementary through HS.

We're hoping that now that you know we have them, there'll be others of you who will want to take the idea out for a spin.

Let us know!